Prevention and Treatment of PAD

Couple holding hands walking outside

Treatment for peripheral artery disease即PAD,侧重于减轻症状和防止病情进一步恶化. In most cases, lifestyle changes, 运动和跛行药物足以减缓PAD的进展甚至逆转症状.

View our interactive library to learn more about PAD. 

Smoking cessation

吸烟是患外周动脉疾病的主要危险因素,会增加患前列腺癌的风险 heart attack and stroke. If you smoke, take steps to quit. 有效的工具包括行为矫正计划, 尼古丁替代药物和其他戒烟药物. 戒烟将有助于减缓外周动脉疾病和其他心脏相关疾病的进展.

Learn how you can kick the habit.

Physical activity

有规律的体育锻炼是治疗PAD症状的有效方法. 你的健康护理专家可能会建议你进行有监督的运动训练, also known as supervised exercise therapy, or SET. You may have to begin slowly, but simple walking regimens, 腿部锻炼和跑步机锻炼可以缓解症状. 

腿部疼痛的运动(间歇性跛行)认为走路会引起疼痛. 该计划包括间歇交替活动和休息,以在疼痛开始之前增加您可以行走的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. 最好在康复中心的跑步机上进行这个锻炼计划,并进行监控. If it isn’t possible to go to a rehab center, 你的医疗保健专业人员可能会推荐一个结构化的社区或家庭项目.

Learn more about cardiac rehabilitation.


Many people with PAD have elevated cholesterol levels. A diet low in saturated and trans fat can help lower blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol-lowering medication may also be needed.

Aim for a healthy diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Include low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish, legumes, nuts, 种子和非热带植物油,如橄榄油. 限制钠、饱和脂肪和反式脂肪、添加糖、含糖饮料和红肉的摄入.  


遵医嘱服药是很重要的. 不服用这些药物会增加患外周动脉疾病、心脏病和中风的风险. Medications that may be prescribed include:

If you have claudication, 你也可以服用药物(西洛他唑)来帮助你增加步行距离和减少腿部症状. 


Managing diabetes

Type 2 diabetes 增加了PAD患者预后不良的风险. 实现血糖控制对所有糖尿病患者都有好处,并且可以减少PAD患者的肢体相关并发症. 


  • 健康的饮食可以降低胆固醇,控制糖尿病
  • Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight
  • Medications for glucose management
  • Managing other cardiovascular risk factors
  • Foot care and ulcer prevention


对于一些患有外周动脉疾病的人来说,以上的建议和治疗是不够的. 因此,可能需要微创治疗或手术.

  • Angioplasty or stent placement (如在心脏冠状动脉疾病中所做的)是通过做一个小切口插入导管到达阻塞动脉的手术. 在动脉内充气一个小气球来打开堵塞. 这时也可以插入一种叫做支架的微小金属丝网圆柱体,以帮助保持动脉畅通. 有时可以通过导管给药,或者通过导管插入一个特殊的装置来移除阻塞动脉的血块. 
  • An atherectomy 微创手术能去除动脉中的斑块吗. 与血管成形术类似,将导管插入阻塞的动脉. The catheter has a sharp blade, or cutter, on the end to cut, collect and remove the plaque from the blood vessel.
  • 如果你腿上的一长段动脉完全堵塞,并且你有严重的症状,可能需要做搭桥手术. 来自身体另一部分的静脉被用来“绕过”并改变血液在封闭动脉周围的流动. 

您的医疗保健专业人员将讨论您的治疗方案,并帮助您选择最适合您的治疗方案. Get the most out of your next appointment with the PAD Discussion Guide.

PAD Symptoms and Risk Factors

If you have cramping, tingling or weakness in your legs, you might have peripheral artery disease, also known as PAD. PAD可导致腿部或足部截肢,甚至心脏病发作或中风. Early detection is key!

If you have trouble with your feet or legs, 和医生谈谈外周动脉炎,并要求脱下袜子.